Wednesday, March 30, 2011

they each have a line.

to all the different yous out there,
thank you for:
- treating me like crap to the point where i would never take it again.
- yelling at me until i learned to yell back.
- moving away. it's best we ended up apart.
- showing me the dark side of jealousy.
- teaching me patience with your constant interruptions.
- cheating on me, now i know the signs and will never hurt someone that way.
- using me for sex, now i can tell when someone is.
- hurting me the way i hurt you, i deserved it.
- leaving the country, it's better we have distance between us.
- leaving the country again (many of you seem to leave), you served your purpose before you left.
- accusing me of getting you sick, i don't like hypochondriacs.
- not letting me get away with playing mind games with you.

- coming into my life. now i know real men and real love exist.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This origami dream is beautiful.

Monday, March 28, 2011


my heart is here:

and here.

Friday, March 25, 2011


"...and then he screwed me over and left the country"
"how is your heart after all this?"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

it's come to an end.

my brain loves you
and my heart couldn't care less.


it's currently -12 and march twenty-fourth.
groundhog reported 6 more weeks of winter... yeah.
it's a god damn ground hog, what the hell does it know? the only reason he poked his head out is because we're making so much noise that he wants us to frig off.
But really?
soooo, just because some little dude pokes his head out of a hole at a certain time it determines how much winter there will be? Maybe i'm just going to start believing that depending on how many snow cones are eaten in a city in one hour on a particular day will determine the length of snow left. just divide that number by 14 because i happen to like the way that number looks, and then thats how many minutes of snow is left.
or maybe if you eat three blue whale candies under a street lamp while jumping, summer is on its way.
or maybe, i could move some place where the people aren't so desperate and psychotic that they actually turn to animal to tell them when the misery of winter will come to an end.

in over my head.

romance misplaced in busy days.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


our conversations run circles in my mind.
i have no idea why i like..d you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


dear march 22nd of 2011,
snow? are you freaking KIDDING me with this shit?
i hate you.

maybe you're just a dream.

a figment of my imagination.

Monday, March 21, 2011

you're in my dreams again.

lately i've been having dreams about you.
and we haven't been together in over a year so i don't understand why.
all i know is you're smiling, like you used to when i'd tickle you in your bed.
and you were driving me somewhere, all bundled up. all my friends loved you again.
fate? or just coincidence?

Sunday, March 20, 2011


i'm beginning to forget the things you said to me.
but i will never forget how you made me feel.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

born ruffians' speak the truth.

And If you weren't here
I'd write you down
And read you out into a crowd
I'd tell them all how you we're mine.
They'd see how I was proud
We'd rub our cheeks
In hopes that maybe
Some good looks would rub off on me
And nose to nose (As I'd make you feel close)
So I'd never feel lonely at sea.

new age.

it's about time women start using men for sex. why not?
who really wants to deal with the complicated relationship politics. "but i like you" ...but i don't. come over and leave by the morning, i have to be up early.
i'll get you before you get me and don't you forget it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

dear universe,

i want to marry him. can you make it happen? please don't crap out on me. i will make a buncha 11:11 wishes too, just to make sure.

funny how that works.

at first, he reminded me of you, and now you remind me of him.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

stop before you start.

I don't want to know the pain of a broken heart
I always know to stop before it starts


got my fiddle today.
i'm gunna be famous.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes. That is always a sign of despair in a woman.
- Oscar Wilde

Sunday, March 13, 2011


"and this is my second favorite picture of him."
"when's the wedding?"

3 days.

thats how long it took to fall in love with you.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


because that's what we are.

photo: tristan becker.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


why is it that sometimes when we're hurt, we're left with a scar? and why is it that other times, there is no sign of anything ever happening?

i wonder the same about a broken heart.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


You're a work of art, he told me.
I listened, foolishly.

Here we are again, he said.
I waited, patiently.

What are you going to do now? he asked.

I ran, and didn't look back.

I once knew you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

light as a feather.

we're light as a feather; heavy as the weather
if it was raining stones.

we're still here.

It's like the show is over, but we're too scared to walk away.

things to do.

I wish this was my list of things to do today.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

wake up.

you're not a dream. you're real.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

make my home.

make my home a dream, make it a fairy tale. make it everything you've ever made me.


If you don't want me, I won't let myself want you.