Wednesday, March 28, 2012

dear men of the world,

say what you mean and mean what you say.
don't spend time writing cryptic messages.
don't make an ass of yourself by assuming i care about your current relationship when we don't even speak.
listen to me when i say i don't like you, i mean it.
listen to me when i say i want to be friends, i genuinely do.
and don't pretend you're okay with being friends, then throw it in my face when you can't take it.

be respectful. be kind. think before you act.
and act when words aren't enough.

and for crying out loud, be men.

1 comment:

  1. Very few men are worthy of your tears,
    & if ever you chance upon one who is
    he will never aim to make you cry.

    Signed, `
